Source code for xml4h.builder

Builder is a utility class that makes it easy to create valid, well-formed
XML documents using relatively sparse python code.  The builder class works
by wrapping an :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node to provide "chainable"
methods focussed specifically on adding XML content.

Each method that adds content returns a Builder instance representing the
current or the newly-added element. Behind the scenes, the builder uses the
:mod:`xml4h.nodes` node traversal and manipulation methods to add content
directly to the underlying DOM.

You will not generally create Builder instances directly, but will instead
call the :meth:`xml4h.builder` method with the name for a new root element
or with an existing :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node.
import xml4h

[docs]class Builder(object): """ Builder class that wraps an :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node with methods for adding XML content to an underlying DOM. """ def __init__(self, element): """ Create a Builder representing an xml4h Element node. :param element: Element node to represent :type element: :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` """ if not isinstance(element, xml4h.nodes.Element): raise ValueError( "Builder can only be created with an %s.%s instance" % (xml4h.nodes.Element.__module__, xml4h.nodes.Element.__name__)) self._element = element @property
[docs] def dom_element(self): """ :return: the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. """ return self._element
[docs] def document(self): """ :return: the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Document` node that contains the element represented by this Builder. """ return self._element.document
[docs] def root(self): """ :return: the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` root node ancestor of the element represented by this Builder """ return self._element.root
[docs] def find(self, **kwargs): """ Find descendants of the element represented by this builder that match the given constraints. :return: a list of :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` nodes Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Node.find` """ return self._element.find(**kwargs)
[docs] def find_doc(self, **kwargs): """ Find nodes in this element's owning :class:`xml4h.nodes.Document` that match the given constraints. :return: a list of :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` nodes Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Node.find_doc`. """ return self._element.find_doc(**kwargs)
[docs] def write(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Write XML text for the element represented by this builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Node.write`. """ self.dom_element.write(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_doc(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Write XML text for the Document containing the element represented by this builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Node.write_doc`. """ self.dom_element.write_doc(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def up(self, count=1, to_name=None): """ :return: a builder representing an ancestor of the current element, by default the parent element. :param count: return the n'th ancestor element; defaults to 1 which means the immediate parent. If *count* is greater than the number of number of ancestors return the document's root element. :type count: integer >= 1 or None :param to_name: return the nearest ancestor element with the matching name, or the document's root element if there are no matching elements. This argument trumps the ``count`` argument. :type to_name: string or None """ elem = self._element up_count = 0 while True: # Don't go up beyond the document root if elem.is_root or elem.parent is None: break elem = elem.parent if to_name is None: up_count += 1 if up_count >= count: break else: if == to_name: break return Builder(elem)
[docs] def transplant(self, node): """ Transplant a node from another document to become a child of the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: a new Builder that represents the current element \ (not the transplanted node). Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Node.transplant_node`. """ self._element.transplant_node(node) return self
[docs] def clone(self, node): """ Clone a node from another document to become a child of the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: a new Builder that represents the current element \ (not the cloned node). Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Node.clone_node`. """ self._element.clone_node(node) return self
[docs] def element(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a child element to the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: a new Builder that represents the child element. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Element.add_element`. """ child_element = self._element.add_element(*args, **kwargs) return Builder(child_element)
elem = element # Alias """Alias of :meth:`element`""" e = element # Alias """Alias of :meth:`element`"""
[docs] def attributes(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Add one or more attributes to the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: the current Builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Element.set_attributes`. """ self._element.set_attributes(*args, **kwargs) return self
attrs = attributes # Alias """Alias of :meth:`attributes`""" a = attributes # Alias """Alias of :meth:`attributes`"""
[docs] def text(self, text): """ Add a text node to the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: the current Builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Element.add_text`. """ self._element.add_text(text) return self
t = text # Alias """Alias of :meth:`text`"""
[docs] def comment(self, text): """ Add a coment node to the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: the current Builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Element.add_comment`. """ self._element.add_comment(text) return self
c = comment # Alias """Alias of :meth:`comment`"""
[docs] def processing_instruction(self, target, data): """ Add a processing instruction node to the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: the current Builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Element.add_instruction`. """ self._element.add_instruction(target, data) return self
instruction = processing_instruction # Alias """Alias of :meth:`processing_instruction`""" i = instruction # Alias """Alias of :meth:`processing_instruction`"""
[docs] def cdata(self, text): """ Add a CDATA node to the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: the current Builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Element.add_cdata`. """ self._element.add_cdata(text) return self
data = cdata # Alias """Alias of :meth:`cdata`""" d = cdata # Alias """Alias of :meth:`cdata`"""
[docs] def ns_prefix(self, prefix, ns_uri): """ Set the namespace prefix of the :class:`xml4h.nodes.Element` node represented by this Builder. :return: the current Builder. Delegates to :meth:`xml4h.nodes.Element.set_ns_prefix`. """ self._element.set_ns_prefix(prefix, ns_uri) return self

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