Source code for xml4h.impls.lxml_etree

import re
import copy

from xml4h.impls.interface import XmlImplAdapter
from xml4h import nodes, exceptions

    from lxml import etree
except ImportError:

[docs]class LXMLAdapter(XmlImplAdapter): """ Adapter to the `lxml <>`_ XML library implementation. """ SUPPORTED_FEATURES = { 'xpath': True, }
[docs] @classmethod def is_available(cls): try: etree.Element return True except: return False
@classmethod def parse_string(cls, xml_str, ignore_whitespace_text_nodes=True): impl_root_elem = etree.fromstring(xml_str) wrapped_doc = LXMLAdapter.wrap_document(impl_root_elem.getroottree()) if ignore_whitespace_text_nodes: cls.ignore_whitespace_text_nodes(wrapped_doc) return wrapped_doc @classmethod def parse_bytes(cls, xml_bytes, ignore_whitespace_text_nodes=True): return LXMLAdapter.parse_string(xml_bytes, ignore_whitespace_text_nodes) @classmethod def parse_file(cls, xml_file, ignore_whitespace_text_nodes=True): impl_doc = etree.parse(xml_file) wrapped_doc = LXMLAdapter.wrap_document(impl_doc) if ignore_whitespace_text_nodes: cls.ignore_whitespace_text_nodes(wrapped_doc) return wrapped_doc @classmethod def new_impl_document(cls, root_tagname, ns_uri=None, **kwargs): root_nsmap = {} if ns_uri is not None: root_nsmap[None] = ns_uri else: ns_uri = nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI root_nsmap[None] = ns_uri root_elem = etree.Element('{%s}%s' % (ns_uri, root_tagname), nsmap=root_nsmap) doc = etree.ElementTree(root_elem) return doc def map_node_to_class(self, node): if isinstance(node, etree._ProcessingInstruction): return nodes.ProcessingInstruction elif isinstance(node, etree._Comment): return nodes.Comment elif isinstance(node, etree._ElementTree): return nodes.Document elif isinstance(node, etree._Element): return nodes.Element elif isinstance(node, LXMLAttribute): return nodes.Attribute elif isinstance(node, LXMLText): if node.is_cdata: return nodes.CDATA else: return nodes.Text raise exceptions.Xml4hImplementationBug( 'Unrecognized type for implementation node: %s' % node) def get_impl_root(self, node): return self._impl_document.getroot() # Document implementation methods def new_impl_element(self, tagname, ns_uri=None, parent=None): if ns_uri is not None: if ':' in tagname: tagname = tagname.split(':')[1] my_nsmap = {None: ns_uri} # Add any xmlns attribute prefix mappings from parent's document # TODO This doesn't seem to help curr_node = parent while curr_node.__class__ == etree._Element: for n, v in list(curr_node.attrib.items()): if '{%s}' % nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI in n: _, prefix = n.split('}') my_nsmap[prefix] = v curr_node = self.get_node_parent(curr_node) return etree.Element('{%s}%s' % (ns_uri, tagname), nsmap=my_nsmap) else: return etree.Element(tagname) def new_impl_text(self, text): return LXMLText(text) def new_impl_comment(self, text): return etree.Comment(text) def new_impl_instruction(self, target, data): return etree.ProcessingInstruction(target, data) def new_impl_cdata(self, text): return LXMLText(text, is_cdata=True)
[docs] def find_node_elements(self, node, name='*', ns_uri='*'): # TODO Any proper way to find namespaced elements by name? name_match_nodes = node.getiterator() # Filter nodes by name and ns_uri if necessary results = [] for n in name_match_nodes: # Ignore the current node if n == node: continue # Ignore non-Elements if not n.__class__ == etree._Element: continue if ns_uri != '*' and self.get_node_namespace_uri(n) != ns_uri: continue if name != '*' and self.get_node_local_name(n) != name: continue results.append(n) return results
find_node_elements.__doc__ = XmlImplAdapter.find_node_elements.__doc__
[docs] def xpath_on_node(self, node, xpath, **kwargs): """ Return result of performing the given XPath query on the given node. All known namespace prefix-to-URI mappings in the document are automatically included in the XPath invocation. If an empty/default namespace (i.e. None) is defined, this is converted to the prefix name '_' so it can be used despite empty namespace prefixes being unsupported by XPath. """ if isinstance(node, etree._ElementTree): # Document node lxml.etree._ElementTree has no nsmap, lookup root root = self.get_impl_root(node) namespaces_dict = root.nsmap.copy() else: namespaces_dict = node.nsmap.copy() if 'namespaces' in kwargs: namespaces_dict.update(kwargs['namespaces']) # Empty namespace prefix is not supported, convert to '_' prefix if None in namespaces_dict: default_ns_uri = namespaces_dict.pop(None) namespaces_dict['_'] = default_ns_uri # Include XMLNS namespace if it's not already defined if not 'xmlns' in namespaces_dict: namespaces_dict['xmlns'] = nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI return node.xpath(xpath, namespaces=namespaces_dict)
# Node implementation methods def get_node_namespace_uri(self, node): if '}' in node.tag: return node.tag.split('}')[0][1:] elif isinstance(node, LXMLAttribute): return node.namespace_uri elif isinstance(node, etree._ElementTree): return None elif isinstance(node, etree._Element): qname, ns_uri = self._unpack_name(node.tag, node)[:2] return ns_uri else: return None def set_node_namespace_uri(self, node, ns_uri): node.nsmap[None] = ns_uri def get_node_parent(self, node): if isinstance(node, etree._ElementTree): return None else: parent = node.getparent() # Return ElementTree as root element's parent if parent is None: return self.impl_document return parent def get_node_children(self, node): if isinstance(node, etree._ElementTree): children = [node.getroot()] else: if not hasattr(node, 'getchildren'): return [] children = node.getchildren() # Hack to treat text attribute as child text nodes if node.text is not None: children.insert(0, LXMLText(node.text, parent=node)) return children def get_node_name(self, node): if isinstance(node, etree._Comment): return '#comment' elif isinstance(node, etree._ProcessingInstruction): return prefix = self.get_node_name_prefix(node) local_name = self.get_node_local_name(node) if prefix is not None: return '%s:%s' % (prefix, local_name) else: return local_name def get_node_local_name(self, node): return re.sub('{.*}', '', node.tag) def get_node_name_prefix(self, node): # Believe non-Element nodes that have a prefix set (e.g. LXMLAttribute) if node.prefix and not isinstance(node, etree._Element): return node.prefix # Derive prefix by unpacking node name qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name = self._unpack_name(node.tag, node) if prefix: # Don't add unnecessary excess namespace prefixes for elements # with a local default namespace declaration xmlns_val = self.get_node_attribute_value(node, 'xmlns') if xmlns_val == ns_uri: return None # Don't add unnecessary excess namespace prefixes for default ns if prefix == 'xmlns': return None else: return prefix else: return None def get_node_value(self, node): if isinstance(node, (etree._ProcessingInstruction, etree._Comment)): return node.text elif hasattr(node, 'value'): return node.value else: return node.text def set_node_value(self, node, value): if hasattr(node, 'value'): node.value = value else: self.set_node_text(node, value) def get_node_text(self, node): return node.text def set_node_text(self, node, text): node.text = text def get_node_attributes(self, element, ns_uri=None): # TODO: Filter by ns_uri attribs_by_qname = {} for n, v in list(element.attrib.items()): qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name = self._unpack_name(n, element) attribs_by_qname[qname] = LXMLAttribute( qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name, v, element) # Include namespace declarations, which we also treat as attributes if element.nsmap: for n, v in list(element.nsmap.items()): # Only add namespace as attribute if not defined in ancestors # and not the global xmlns namespace if (self._is_ns_in_ancestor(element, n, v) or v == nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI): continue if n is None: ns_attr_name = 'xmlns' else: ns_attr_name = 'xmlns:%s' % n qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name = self._unpack_name( ns_attr_name, element) attribs_by_qname[qname] = LXMLAttribute( qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name, v, element) return list(attribs_by_qname.values()) def has_node_attribute(self, element, name, ns_uri=None): return name in [a.qname for a in self.get_node_attributes(element, ns_uri)] def get_node_attribute_node(self, element, name, ns_uri=None): for attr in self.get_node_attributes(element, ns_uri): if attr.qname == name: return attr return None def get_node_attribute_value(self, element, name, ns_uri=None): if ns_uri is not None: prefix = self.lookup_ns_prefix_for_uri(element, ns_uri) name = '%s:%s' % (prefix, name) for attr in self.get_node_attributes(element, ns_uri): if attr.qname == name: return attr.value return None def set_node_attribute_value(self, element, name, value, ns_uri=None): prefix = None if ':' in name: prefix, name = name.split(':') if ns_uri is None and prefix is not None: ns_uri = self.lookup_ns_uri_by_attr_name(element, prefix) if ns_uri is not None: name = '{%s}%s' % (ns_uri, name) if name.startswith('{%s}' % nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI): if element.nsmap.get(name) != value: # Ideally we would apply namespace (xmlns) attributes to the # element's `nsmap` only, but the lxml/etree nsmap attribute # is immutable and there's no non-hacky way around this. # TODO Is there a better way? pass if name.split('}')[1] == 'xmlns': # Hack to remove namespace URI from 'xmlns' attributes so # the name is just a simple string name = 'xmlns' element.attrib[name] = value else: element.attrib[name] = value def remove_node_attribute(self, element, name, ns_uri=None): if ns_uri is not None: name = '{%s}%s' % (ns_uri, name) elif ':' in name: prefix, name = name.split(':') if prefix == 'xmlns': name = '{%s}%s' % (nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI, name) else: name = '{%s}%s' % (element.nsmap[prefix], name) if name in element.attrib: del(element.attrib[name]) def add_node_child(self, parent, child, before_sibling=None): if isinstance(child, LXMLText): # Add text values directly to parent's 'text' attribute if parent.text is not None: parent.text = parent.text + child.text else: parent.text = child.text return None else: if before_sibling is not None: offset = 0 for c in parent.getchildren(): if c == before_sibling: break offset += 1 parent.insert(offset, child) else: parent.append(child) return child def import_node(self, parent, node, original_parent=None, clone=False): original_node = node if clone: node = self.clone_node(node) self.add_node_child(parent, node) # Hack to remove text node content from original parent by manually # deleting matching text content if not clone and isinstance(original_node, LXMLText): original_parent = self.get_node_parent(original_node) if original_parent.text == original_node.text: # Must set to None if there would be no remaining text, # otherwise parent element won't realise it's empty original_parent.text = None else: original_parent.text = \ original_parent.text.replace(original_node.text, '', 1) def clone_node(self, node, deep=True): if deep: return copy.deepcopy(node) else: return copy.copy(node) def remove_node_child(self, parent, child, destroy_node=True): if isinstance(child, LXMLText): parent.text = None return parent.remove(child) if destroy_node: child.clear() return None else: return child def lookup_ns_uri_by_attr_name(self, node, name): ns_name = None if name == 'xmlns': ns_name = None elif name.startswith('xmlns:'): _, ns_name = name.split(':') if ns_name in node.nsmap: return node.nsmap[ns_name] # If namespace is not in `nsmap` it may be in an XML DOM attribute # TODO Generalize this block curr_node = node while (curr_node is not None and curr_node.__class__ != etree._ElementTree): uri = self.get_node_attribute_value(curr_node, name) if uri is not None: return uri curr_node = self.get_node_parent(curr_node) return None def lookup_ns_prefix_for_uri(self, node, uri): if uri == nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI: return 'xmlns' result = None if hasattr(node, 'nsmap') and uri in list(node.nsmap.values()): for n, v in list(node.nsmap.items()): if v == uri: result = n break # TODO This is a slow hack necessary due to lxml's immutable nsmap if result is None or re.match('ns\d', result): # We either have no namespace prefix in the nsmap, in which case we # will try looking for a matching xmlns attribute, or we have # a namespace prefix that was probably assigned automatically by # lxml and we'd rather use a human-assigned prefix if available. curr_node = node # self.get_node_parent(node) while curr_node.__class__ == etree._Element: for n, v in list(curr_node.attrib.items()): if v == uri and ('{%s}' % nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI) in n: result = n.split('}')[1] return result curr_node = self.get_node_parent(curr_node) return result def _unpack_name(self, name, node): qname = prefix = local_name = ns_uri = None if name == 'xmlns': # Namespace URI of 'xmlns' is a constant ns_uri = nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI elif '}' in name: # Namespace URI is contained in {}, find URI's defined prefix ns_uri, local_name = name.split('}') ns_uri = ns_uri[1:] prefix = self.lookup_ns_prefix_for_uri(node, ns_uri) elif ':' in name: # Namespace prefix is before ':', find prefix's defined URI prefix, local_name = name.split(':') if prefix == 'xmlns': # All 'xmlns' attributes are in XMLNS URI by definition ns_uri = nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI else: ns_uri = self.lookup_ns_uri_by_attr_name(node, prefix) # Catch case where a prefix other than 'xmlns' points at XMLNS URI if name != 'xmlns' and ns_uri == nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI: prefix = 'xmlns' # Construct fully-qualified name from prefix + local names if prefix is not None: qname = '%s:%s' % (prefix, local_name) else: qname = local_name = name return (qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name) def _is_ns_in_ancestor(self, node, name, value): """ Return True if the given namespace name/value is defined in an ancestor of the given node, meaning that the given node need not have its own attributes to apply that namespacing. """ curr_node = self.get_node_parent(node) while curr_node.__class__ == etree._Element: if (hasattr(curr_node, 'nsmap') and curr_node.nsmap.get(name) == value): return True for n, v in list(curr_node.attrib.items()): if v == value and '{%s}' % nodes.Node.XMLNS_URI in n: return True curr_node = self.get_node_parent(curr_node) return False
class LXMLText(object): def __init__(self, text, parent=None, is_cdata=False): self._text = text self._parent = parent self._is_cdata = is_cdata @property def is_cdata(self): return self._is_cdata @property def value(self): return self._text text = value # Alias def getparent(self): return self._parent @property def prefix(self): return None @property def tag(self): if self.is_cdata: return "#cdata-section" else: return "#text" class LXMLAttribute(object): def __init__(self, qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name, value, element): self._qname, self._ns_uri, self._prefix, self._local_name = ( qname, ns_uri, prefix, local_name) self._value, self._element = (value, element) def getroottree(self): return self._element.getroottree() @property def qname(self): return self._qname @property def namespace_uri(self): return self._ns_uri @property def prefix(self): return self._prefix @property def local_name(self): return self._local_name @property def value(self): return self._value name = tag = local_name # Alias